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Assign your project / organization to a category.


For the German version of the website, describe your project/organization and how you contribute to increasing individual digital sovereignty or how you enable people to deal with their data in a self-determined and reflective manner, in German.
Describe your project/organization and how you contribute to increasing individual digital sovereignty or how you enable people to deal with their data in a self-determined and reflective manner.
Select one or more tags that thematically match your project/organization.
Add your own keywords that describe the topic of your project/organization.


Enter the address of your organization and not your private address. The location is shown on the map of the website
Enter the link to your profile


Further Information

Upload files up to 10MB. The file name is displayed on the website - please choose a descriptive name


Choose a password to log in again in the future and make changes to your profile. Your email address provided above will serve as your username for this purpose.
Fields marked with * are required.